
(Chinese Version)

今天要推薦的這篇信仰的生物學,內容真的很有趣,演講者是Bruce Lipton 布魯斯利普頓,目前是美國史丹佛大學Stanford Univiersity Medical Center的教授及研究員,並在多處大學公開演講過,而這部短短一個小時的演講,我已經看了好多次,因為他包含了至少三個小時的重要內容,主要告訴我們自己對這個世界的觀感、看法、信仰,緊緊關係者我們生理上的發展,並由生物學的角度清楚的解釋這一切,而為了讓更多人了解這麼重要的資訊,我也正在努力翻譯著整個演講,如果有興趣聽聽原文的,我十分建議你去Youtube看看。








"The most growth-promoting signal in the world today is love"


"Life has everything in it but you will only see what you choose to see"  


"Belief acts as a filter between the environment and the biology"  





(English Version)

What I want to recommend you today is this video - Biology of Beliefs by Dr. Bruce Lipton. Bruce was involved in research at Stanford University Medical Centre and has been teaching at various universities. In his one-hour speech, he explained, using the fundamentals of Biology, how our beliefs and perceptions affect our body. The information he provided in this one hour was so much and intriguing that I highly recommend you to watch the whole video. 

He started the talk by explaining why the traditional way of thinking about genes in Biology wasn't correct. We used to believe that the genes our parents gave us were the command centre and therefore, our heights, health and our whole life were pretty much determined the moment we were born. But the fact is some kids will grow so much taller than their parents and having a cancer gene in the family does not mean you are prone to a cancer. 

So, why is that the case? If our genes were truly the command centre of our cells, then taking out the genes should result in the death of the cells. If you don't understand why, compare this to the human brain and the human body. The brain (gene) is the command centre of the body (cell) and what happens when you take the brain out? But through his experiments, he found out that when he took the genes out, the cells were still functioning. The respiratory system, the digesting system and the metabolism were all still working. So clearly, the genes were NOT the command centre of the cell. What is then?

In the following 30 minutes, he answered that question in great detail but I'm only going to show you the summary here. 

"Our perception transforms the environmental signal from the outside into a secondary signal and this secondary signal reacts with the corresponding protein to form the behaviour" Hence our perception to the outside world determines our Biology.

Then, where does the cancer come from? According to his speech, if we don't have the corresponding protein in our body to react with the secondary signal, the signal will instead unlock the DNA which has the blueprint for that protein. So if you have the signal for the cancer DNA, it will possibly unlock it. Now if that's the case, why will stress, anxiety, fear always have bad influence in our body?

To answer that, Bruce used an example of a cell in a petri dish. He explained that a cell can only be in growth or in protection so when a cell faces a threat, it will turn on its protection mechanism and stop growing. That is why, when you are under great stress, you are likely to get sick. Or when you are in an exam, you are likely to lose some of your memory. This is all because your body turns off the normal functions to switch on protection under stress condition.

Now what do all of these imply? In my opinion, the following 3 sentences pretty much summarises the entire lecture:

"The most growth-promoting signal in the world today is love"

"Life has everything in it but you will only see what you choose to see"  

"Belief acts as a filter between the environment and the biology"  

So think about this, every negative signal from the environment (for example, the bad news from TV) has an effect on your body. Just imagine one day, that one negative signal came through your perception and unlock the cancer DNA...


Give me one reason to fill myself with stress, fear or hatred.

Feel the love

P.S.I didn't verify what he claimed but I choose to believe because there's no reason to deny love. 



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