(Chinese Version)
昨天,我一如往常的在睡覺前開啟youtube,看著它推薦給我的影片,意外看到這集 TedTalk。
演講者是Tristan Harris 崔斯頓哈里斯,Google以前的工程師,每天上班的工作就是負責研究如何改變你的思想與行為,白話來說就是如何讓使用者上癮,像是各種社交軟體利用通知打斷你現在的思考讓你想開啟他們的程式。
坐車是不是一定要玩手遊或幾分鐘就看instagram facebook,
羨慕外國人總覺得他們生活好陽光 沒壓力 好自由,
想像一下,就這麼50歲了,假設明天就這麼意外的死了,你滿足了嗎? 你的一生填滿了幸福嗎?
明天提起背包繼續體驗著這神秘美好的世界 :)
(English Version)
Last night, as usual, I turned on my computer and browsed through my recommended Youtube videos. Then, I came across this clip.
The presenter, Tristan Harris, was an ex-Google employee and a computer science/human behaviour engineer. According to his speech, his job (and his dedicated team) at Google involves how to "ethically" steer billions users' behaviours so they get addicted to the website. One example he gave was the "recommended videos" and "auto-play" functions that Youtube has to get users to click on videos one after another. He also explained how the "notification" function on Apps was designed to constantly break your thoughts and bring you back to the Apps. Another interesting feature they designed was the anger provoking videos because they know human beings are susceptible to anger. "If you have time," (that is, if you don't have to manage your Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat) I'd recommend you to watch this “one” video. :P
Looking back to my life in Taiwan, I feel these behaviour-steering mechanisms were used in Taiwan way back in time. Perhaps there wasn’t a whole team dedicated on Human Computer Interaction and Social Psychology but surely, the TV producers have managed to get the audience hooked on the TV.
Take a moment and think about this.
- Do you feel like to turn on TV when you get home or even when you drive?
- Do you feel like you need to listen to the News or watch a talk show when you eat?
- Do you watch the same Cantonese/Chinese/American Movies again and again for no reason?
- Do you watch people on Twitch Live because it feels like you have someone to talk to?
- Do you think life is just working, getting married, suffering from home loans, taking care of kids and enjoying the 1-hour luxury meal while suffering from the other 23 hours.
- Do you constantly open up your games, Facebook, Instagram on your phone when you take a bus ride?
- When you watch movies, are you jealous of the Western people’s life?
Sooner or later, all of these become a habit. Time will never be enough. What you wish to accomplish never even gets started.
Imagine you’re 50 years old now and your life ends tomorrow. Are you satisfied with it?
So the next minute, I closed Youtube, turned off my computer, left my phone on the chair and went to bed without any hesitation. The next day, I pick up my backpack, continue to explore this world and talk to different people on the journey to share what we see.
引用/Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C74amJRp730